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Welcome To Brunel University London

The Connect Service Quick Start Guide


At Brunel we offer a suite of services that allow you to access the internet, and certain internal network resources, on your own personal devices. This suite of services is known as “The Connect Service”, which provides access to Wi-Fi, ResNet wired (if living on campus) and AnyConnect VPN to connect to Brunel network resources from off campus. Setting up your Connect Service is all done online and is self-service via the Connect Portal. This is accessible from any device that has an internet connection. Where possible we would encourage everyone to set up their Connect Service before arriving on campus but don’t worry if you forget.

The Connect Portal

The Connect Portal has lots of information available including a knowledge base, step-by-step guides, videos and online support.
Setting up your Connect Service involves, confirming details, registering all of your own personal devices, subscribing to services and agreeing with the terms and conditions.

To do this you need to login by using your Brunel Network Username and Password.  These are obtained via the eVision portal as part of the online enrolment process. Please make sure that you do this part of the eVision checklist, make a note of them and keep them in a safe location. This is very important for you to be able to login to the Connect Portal and this is also required later to be able to connect to the Wi-Fi.

Quick Start guide to Setting up Wi-Fi

From the Connect Portal home page, click Login, click on Connect To and then Wifi@Brunel and follow the setup wizard that will guide you through the instructions to get you and your devices registered (please note that the “Next” button is at the bottom of the screen so you may need to scroll down to find it). Once the process is complete it can take up to 30 minutes for services and devices to be activated and at busy times can take longer. We would encourage you to do this well in advance of your arrival at Brunel in order to avoid such delays.

If you forget don’t worry. You can still do this, on campus, over Wi-Fi, by connecting your device to the Wifi@Brunel network or if you are staying on campus by plugging into the wired ethernet port in your room. You will need to log in using your network username and password. Unregistered devices will receive limited access to the network allowing you to only visit the Connect Portal and register. Following the same guidance as above. Once registered you may need to "forget" the Wifi@Brunel network from the device and log back in to receive service.

Your device should now be connected to Wifi@Brunel and you should have access to the Brunel Network and Internet

  • If your device is an Android smart phone, you may also need to ensure that the EAP method is set to PEAP and that the Phase 2 authentication is set to MSCHAPV2

  • On some devices you may be warned about a Certificate, this is normal and you should Accept the Certificate (on Apple devices) or choose Connect (on Windows devices)

We hope this short quick start guide was useful.

Updated: 14/07/22

Reviewed: 05/08/20

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