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Security and Safety

Do not open e-mail attachments or click on links in e-mails unless you trust the sender and expect the attachment / link. If in any doubt, don’t click on them.
If an e-mail appears to be from an organisation you know, your bank for instance (or even Brunel), don't trust it immediately. If it looks not-quite-right then don't respond to it. Remember that your real bank will never ask you for your credentials in an e-mail. Your real bank will telephone you or send you a letter if they have something important to tell you.

Mobile Devices
Guidance for Smartphones and Tablets:
Never leave your device unlocked without a security pin
Ensure your device is kept in a safe place
Always keep your device updated with firmware updates
Resist installing any unauthorised software on your device
Ensure your device is backed up regularly and securely
Be wary of unencrypted wireless networks, if in doubt use the 3G/4G network

Online Chat
Do not open files or click on links unless you trust the sender and expect the attachment / link. Even messages that appear to be from someone you know could be being sent without their knowledge. Ask what the attachment or link is and only click on it when you are certain you are really talking to the person it is supposed to be from.

When your computer is on the internet, without being protected by a firewall, it is an open invitation to potential hackers and leaves your computer vulnerable to virus infection. 

Firewall software prevents undesirable communication either to or from your computer. Think of it like a bouncer at a nightclub with a list of programs, services (ports) and computers that are allowed access to your computer (and sometimes from your computer to the outside world). Most computers have a firewall built in, and many Internet Security suites also include it.

A computer virus is much like the medical type of virus in that once it infects your computer it will make things dysfunction and may cause a whole variety of strange symptoms. Also any computers coming in contact with an infected computer may catch the virus and exhibit the same symptoms. Virus infections can cause you to lose access to your computer’s files, especially if no preventative software is installed.

Antivirus (included by default in all Security suites) is essential both for prevention and for removal of virus infections. The antivirus software needs to be kept up to date with information about the latest threats. Usually the antivirus will update itself online automatically, but it can only do this while the program still has a valid subscription/licence.

Adware / Spyware
Spyware is the name given to various small bits of software that are downloaded without your knowledge and then send information regarding your web browsing habits etc. These can have side effects ranging from preventing other programs from working to stopping your connection to the Internet from working. Adware is similar to spyware however its focus is to try to sell you a product or service (usually through popup messages).

Most Internet Security suites have protection against spyware built-in, but dedicated programs are also available. Be aware that some programs that look like spyware removal tools are in fact spyware themselves.

Software Updates
Hackers and viruses take advantage of security vulnerabilities within software on an almost daily basis. These vulnerabilities are addressed by the software producers (such as Microsoft, Apple, Google etc.) and security updates are released on a frequent basis. Without these updates, your computer/device will remain vulnerable. Many types of software will automatically update and you should make sure you allow this to happen. Operating Systems (via Windows Update, Apple software update etc.) and your web browsers are particularly important to keep updated.

To make it more difficult for hackers you should use passwords that are more difficult for them to crack. The password that you set is entirely down to you, but it must be something that you can remember. To strengthen your password it is often suggested that you use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols, and that the length is eight or more characters.

Getting Internet Security software
To be allowed to connect to the Brunel network devices running Microsoft Windows are required to have functioning Antivirus, Anti-spyware and Firewall software. We cannot recommend any particular product but Microsoft provides a list of some consumer antivirus products.

Updated: 13/02/17

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