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Brunel Network Account Registration Guide

  1. After successful completion of the following sections of the eVision registration task
    • Personal Details
    • Financial Information
    • Union of Brunel Students membership

  2. You should see the following section, make a note of your network username

  3. Click the 'Click Here' button next to 'Brunel Network Account' and you will see the following screen, enter your network username (<<Login for this information>>)

  4. A 6 digit security code will be emailed to your registered personal email address. This code will need to be entered to continue.

    An example of the email that is sent to your personal email is shown below. This code must be entered within 15 minutes of requesting or it will expire. Should the code expire, restarting the process will issue a new security code.

  5. Once you have entered your security code you will be prompted to change your password.

    Your password should be at least 14 characters long, and contain at least one uppercase letter, at least one lowercase letter and at least one number.

  6. The process is complete and you can now use this username and password to login to the Connect portal

Updated: 22/08/23

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